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Notes sur le tag : princeton university press

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Evangelical belonging and Migrant experience (USA)

In the Hands of God: How Evangelical Belonging Transforms Migrant Experience in the United States Johanna Bard Richlin Why do migrants become more deeply evangelical in the United States and how does this religious identity alter their self-understanding? In the Hands of God examines this question through a unique lens, foregrounding the ways that churches transform what migrants...

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Muslims and Jews in France: History of a Conflict (2014)

  Maud Mandel  is associate professor of Judaic studies and history and director of the Program in Judaic Studies at Brown University.  Her book traces the global, national, and local origins of the conflict between Muslims and Jews in France , challenging the belief that rising anti-Semitism in France is rooted solely in the unfolding crisis in Israel and...

Publié le 27/05/2014 dans French Windows par A lire | Lire la suite...

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